Re Man ~ Celestial Communication Video

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 Regeneration of Inner and Outer Worlds
~ For Self-Harmonization & Planetary Healing ~




~ Re Man ~
Celestial Communication Practice Video

Regeneration of Inner & Outer Worlds ~ For Self Harmonization & Planetary Healing ~


‘Re Man’ is a mantra that has accompanied me for almost two decades, not least prior to the birth of my son.

It is mantra, composed by Guru Gobind Singh and is imbued with the rhythmic pulse of sacred geometry, golden mean Phi, creating an electro-magnetic field with the quality of: ‘Regeneration’.

The mantra describes the alignment of our mind and inner attitude, as we listen for, and are receptive to the original pulse of creation that nourishes and satiates us. Through this listening and resonance, we merge with and absorb the guiding wisdom harboured in these subtle melodies. 

This resonance helps us shift to the right frequency to enter into a Golden Age. Aligning our attitude and consciousness to true vibration of our soul-Self in relation to others and the world around us, to create paradise on Earth!

The instrument of our mind and body is attuned back to its original blueprint, lending us inner balance and stability. In the process, our unconscious distorting emotionality is released and transformed, such that more aware feeling and sentiment can be integrated.

This process enables us to embody the harmony of the spheres and its inherent ‘golden’ proportionality. A creative patterning of Phi that sustains and regenerates all life, lending a ‘Golden Aura’.

The subtle geometrical qualities activated by the mantra are enhanced through their physical expression of the celestial communication. The movements of the upper body rotate around the central node of the heart centre, delineating a fluid 3D mandala; coordinating the geometrical lines and flow of body. Attuned to the sound current and sentiment of the mantra, these meditative movement flows help induce a deep cosy feeling of the soul-self, generating essential harmony.

✨ Release of Mental and Physical Stress;
✨ Alignment to Original Pulse;
✨ Developing Emotional Stability & Maturity
✨ Self-Harmonization;
✨ Regeneration of Mind & Body;
✨ Accessing Creative Impulse;
✨ Developing Intuition;
✨ Embodying the Soul-Self;
✨ Facilitating Planetary Healing

Sara Avtar is a life-long dancer, originator of Shakti Dance®, a KRI Kundalini Yoga Level 1 & Level 2 Lead Teacher Trainer, Sat Nam Rasayan Healer, recording artist, mother, and CEO of the Shakti Dance Academy. Over the last 15 years she has trained hundreds of Shakti Dance® Teachers and a talented team of Teacher Trainers all over the globe. Sara Avtar transmits the practice of Shakti Dance® with inspiration and insight, facilitating an embodied experience of its fluid, nurturing depth. Her teaching helps connect the practitioner to Source, enhancing the expression of unique personal potential and sustaining the much-needed unfolding into wholeness, for planetary harmony. Read more

‘Re Man’ mantra music track is from Sara Avtar’s new album “Release”, recorded with Kamari & Manvir.  The single track is not part of this product.


Introductory Webinar

” Emotions & Feelings “


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