Tune to the Pulse of Harmony: Express your Essence!
Welcome to home, guardian & referential source of the ever-evolving teaching of Shakti DanceĀ®,
as taught by Sara Avtar
Shakti DanceĀ® ~ “The Yoga of Dance” combines movement, breath and sound with awareness. āØ
It attunes you to harmonic resonance through graceful, rhythmic, organic flow.
āØCharged with radiant vibrancy, you are liberated into awakened Presence, āØ
to creatively express your essenceā¦ and fulfil your soul potential for the harmony of the Whole.
Open to the Flow of Shakti
Unfold your Creative Potential & Embody Vibrant Spirit!
Ho trovato questo percorso meraviglioso , uno studio approfondito di ogni singolo movimento, unāattenzione al corpo fisico ed energetico che mi ha portata di giorno in giorno ad arricchire il vocabolario della mia pratica . Maggiore sicurezza nello svolgimento degli esercizi mi ha fornito spazio per la mia creativitĆ , un senso di libertĆ ma anche di profondo radicamento che si ĆØ riflesso nella mia vita. Profonda gratitudine alla magia della Shakti DanceĀ® e a Sara Avtar per gli insegnamenti di questa meravigliosa pratica.
Patrizia Michelini
For me personally, it was also a nice overflow of Leadership & Success training. I got some ideas and inspiration for my homework and for my future work.
On the deepest personal level, it was very profound healing that enables me to find lost self-love again and to enable it to blossom and rise into compassion and creativity.
Mojca Racic
Vielen, vielen Dank! Ich schƤtze es so, dass ich wieder einmal von Dir lernen durfte! Danke, Sara!
Susanne Giger
It was beautiful and bring me a lot of beautiful surprises to learn how to balance myself in my practice. It was really well organized, and even if I started after, Sara was always available and ready to be present through valuable advices and feedback when necessary.I highly recommend it. For me It was an enriching experience.Blessings
Sarah Ambrosio
Every one who wants to connect deeply with themselves will benefit from this course. I loved it. Not only did I enjoy the dancing routine every day from a physical point of view, I also reconnected with myself on a deeper level. I can wholeheartedly recommend this course. Thank you Sara.
Gaby Fishbach
Wunderschƶn berĆ¼hrend, tiefgreifend. verbundenheit, hingabe, liebe & pure verschmelzung mit der essenz und dem kollektiven feld im freien tanz. danke liebe Sara fĆ¼r diesen erhellenden workshop voller leichtigkeit und liebe
Marie Therese
I discovered Shakti Dance at the beautiful island of Iz in Croatia. It was love at first sight. The
workshop was held by Natasa and when I started to practice Shakti Dance I was flooded by the
feeling of coming home. My heart was filled with pure joy and bliss. That moment I knew I want to
know more about it, so I signed up for the teacher training in Slovenia.
Now I am very happy about this decision as I feel how Shakti Dance connects me deep with my roots
and the divine creative energy and how it helps me to stay centered in the middle of the hurricane.
Also I am very happy that I can attend the course online now as I am not able to travel because of the
lockdowns. First I had some concerns about attending the course online as I was used to participate
live in the studio and I was so much surprised when Sara did a meditation and exercises online and I
felt her so close as if she was sitting next to me. It was such a beautiful gift feeling one with the
Source already after some short excercises at the beginning.
I love yoga, I love to dance, I love mantras, I love to sing and I love to share all this with others!
Simply deeply grateful that Shakti Dance came to my life! It feels like a gift from Heaven to Earth.
Angela Toth