Imbolc to Spring Equinox: The Wellspring of Life

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With this practice, you’ll gain:
✨ 6 Weekly Shakti Dance Classes
40-Day “Prabh Keh Simran” Movement Meditation Practice
Seasonal Themes Inspired by the Seasonal I Ching
Mythological insights from Brigid, Keridwen, Saraswati, and Persephone to guide and inspire

From 1st February to 21st March

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Imbolc to Spring Equinox: The Wellspring of Life

Six-Week Online Shakti Dance Classes with Sara Avtar
Free Bonus 40-Day “Prabh Keh Simran” Movement Meditation Practice

Revealing the Seed: A Six-Week Shakti Dance Journey into Emergence

From 1st February to 21st March

Step into a sacred six-week journey of Shakti Dance, guided by the wisdom of the Seasonal I Ching and the natural rhythms of plant and psychological development. This is a time of emergence—where the seeds of potential, hidden during dormancy, begin their journey of initiation, heralding their unique blueprint into the world.

Through movement, mantra, and meditation, we will align with this pivotal phase of the cycle:

• Revealing the inner design and blueprint of what has been gestating in the dark.
• Repairing imbalances and refining what is needed for the journey ahead.
• Signaling authenticity and aligning with the vibratory network of support in preparation for successful fruition later in the year.

Interwoven into this journey, we will explore mythological stories of Keridwen, Saraswati, and Persephone, drawing on their profound teachings to illuminate the phases of emergence, repair, and alignment. These archetypal tales deepen our connection to the cycles of life and our own psychological growth.

What to Expect:

• Weekly Shakti Dance Classes:
Immerse yourself in flowing, intentional movement that mirrors the unfolding cycle of the seed as it emerges, aligns, and initiates its journey toward light.

• Daily Movement Meditation Practice:
Engage in a 40-day mantra-based meditation practice (Prabhāke Simran), consolidating your authentic inner vision and signaling your intentions to the greater network of life.

• Seasonal Themes:
Inspired by the Seasonal I Ching, we’ll explore the transition from Aquarius’s visionary clarity to Pisces’s intuitive alignment, preparing for the energy of Aries and the active growth of spring.

Mythological insights from Bridget, Keridwen, Saraswati, and Persephone to guide and inspire.

• This course invites you to connect deeply with the subtle vibratory presence within, aligning with the natural rhythms of life and ensuring your inner design is clear, true, and prepared for the cycle ahead.

Key Highlights

• Weekly live classes exploring themes of emergence, repair, and alignment
• Daily mantra practice to support psychological and spiritual growth
• Movement meditations attuned to natural cycles and the Seasonal I Ching

Reveal, Align, and Emerge. This spring, step into the rhythm of nature’s design and dance your way into your authentic becoming.

Let’s prepare the ground for a cycle of success and fruition.


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