‘Presence & Vibrant Being’

🌷🌱Time to shake off the old lethargy and rekindle our vibrant spirit! We warmly welcome you to this 40-Day Practice: “Presence & Vibrant Well-Being’! 🌱🌷

This Class is a smooth regenerative experience, flowing alternately through slow and dynamic movement. It attunes you to your inner rhythm, enhancing your life-force, ushering you into creative expression. With short, clear instructions and an efficient, yet gentle meditative pace, this Class is ideal for both beginners and more advanced practitioners. At the end of the Class, there is also a NEW Celestial Communication, Movement Meditation, to the Mantra “Roots & Shoots”. This synchronises you with nature’s seasonal cycle and the organic flow of life. (Total Practice Time of the Full Class – 1.5hrs)

As you practice this Class, we will sustain you in the process, incrementally supporting you to rekindle your Vibrant Spirit, activating your life-force, throughout the 8-Phases. Throughout the journey, you are invited to join our Private Website Group dedicated to this 40-Day Practice, to keep a diary, to share and exchange experiences and support each other along the way.

We look forward to sharing with you this enlivening experience of Embodied Being!

Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 5 Topics
  • 10 Lessons