Olive Tree CC ~ 40-Day Online Practice

“Open for the Pulse of Life!“ Celestial Communication ~ Movement Meditation

The online course will be available to view 3 months after its purchase.

Moving towards the Winter Solstice, we spiral in to the Source at our Heart to reflect on the seeds we have gathered in the Autumn.

November is the time when Olive Trees are harvested. What we gather now is that for which we are accountable, resulting from our actions over the last solar cycle.

This mysterious transitional journey towards the Solstice also crosses a moment of inherent dissonance, as the death-throws of the old collide with the birth-pains of the new. This chaotic dance of disintegration and crystallisation impacts our lives, in different ways, on different levels.

With this Celestial Communication we take stock of the seeds in our depository (or sanctuary) and use the practice to support our inward passage towards the still-point of Winter Solstice, helping us to become lighter and more synchronised with each other, as we press, distill and share the original goodness of the seeds we hold.

Through this journey, we will reset ourselves with renewed goodness, joy and community for the new paradigm, gradually superseding the old.

This Winter Solstice offering of the ‘Olive Tree’ Celestial Communication is simple yet profound. Calling on the physical and symbolic qualities of the Olive Tree, this joyful practice opens and attunes us to the nurturing Pulse of Life, ever-unfolding and gushing from the Source. The online course will be available to view 3 months after its purchase.

Course Content

Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 11 Topics
  • 19 Lessons
  • Course Certificate