Swara Rasa® ~ The Yoga of Harmony

The Resonant Flow of Radiant Being
Swara Rasa® in Shakti Dance® refers to the subtle essence or active ingredient that permeates the practice. It is a pranic current of harmony that arises through the precise synergy of various yogic techniques. Swara Rasa® is experienced through the geometrical alignment of rhythmic organic movements, breath, and focused awareness, creating coherent and resonant relationships. It represents the Resonant Flow of Radiant Being and is inherent in all phases of Shakti Dance®.
In Shakti Dance®, Swara Rasa® can be understood as the vibrant flowing quality of movement, arising through the practice. It attunes us to the rhythmic harmony within our being, ushering us into a state of grace and vibrational resonance. This allows our body and mind to relax, releasing our true essence or “Swara” to radiate with brilliance.
Similar to musical notes in Indian music, the refined organic movement forms in Shakti Dance embody subtle tones or pranic patterns known as “Swara.” These movement forms serve as motifs or tonal centers, revealing the underlying invisible sonic geometry of sound and mantra. These pranic patterns constitute basic building blocks and form the foundation of harmonious movement sequences.
Engaging in the practice of Shakti Dance, the harmonious flow of Swara Rasa unfolds, giving rise to a resonant quality of movement known as “Rasa.” This unique taste or feeling infuses our experience with a profound sense of wholeness, creativity, and nourishment. It taps into our intelligent and creative potential, guiding us towards healing, transformation, and heightened sensitivity.
The unfolding of Swara Rasa fine-tunes our mind-body instrument, weaving a coherent tapestry of breath, form, movement, and focus. This activation of Swara Rasa awakens our innate creative flow of Shakti Spirit, allowing us to embody the essence of Shakti Dance and experience profound tunefulness and synchronistic awareness.
Overall, Swara Rasa® in Shakti Dance® represents the subtle essence of harmony, the vibrant expression of movement, and the transformative resonance that unfolds through the practice, guiding practitioners towards wholeness and creative self-expression.
Those who engage in consistent practice and teaching of Shakti Dance® are deeply transformed by Swara Rasa®, facilitating highly expressive and transformative experiences. It allows practitioners to tap into their inner creative flow and embody the essence of Shakti Dance®.
The practice of Shakti Dance® encompasses 4 distinct yogic disciplines within its 8-Phases , each of which may, with care, be otherwise combined, or practiced as an individual discipline.
These 4 disciplines are:
~ Opening Pranic Currents with Flowing Yoga Asanas
Organic, rhythmic and flowing floor stretches/asanas, coordinated with breath and sound, open and deeply relax the body, releasing stress and blockages; bringing regeneration and rejuvenation. The mindful movement sequences pulsate gently through waves and spirals to extend your range of movement and increase body awareness. This phase is very meditative, grounding and nurturing. It brings the practitioner ‘into their body’, warming up muscles, releasing tension in the fascia and increasing flexibility. Essentially, this phase opens and increases the flow of prana-shakti through the body’s energy channels (nadis).
Charging the Magnetic Field with Repetitive Standing Exercises
After opening up the pranic-flow, the class moves into energising, breath-related standing exercises that open the chakras, rebalance the 5 elements and charge the pranic body with increased vitality. The energy released in the previous phase is now intensified and distributed throughout body, using rhythmic standing movements and repetitive dance steps from different dance genres to different styles of music and tempo – mostly accompanied by yogic mantras. These standing exercises work with the body’s natural geometry and mechanics, adhering to principles of harmonious movement, e.g. the rebound force, surrendering to gravity, giving impulse from the navel, lifting through the bhandas and reaching through lines of stretch.
~ Mantra Synchronized with Meditative Movement
A form of mandala movement meditation that realign and balance the energy field. They may be done sitting or standing, and are practiced to a mantra – generally in Gurmukhi or Sanskrit. The repeated symmetrical movement sequence becomes a focus that stills the mind, creating sacred geometry with harmonising wave-patterns within the aura. These meditations can be very profound, are enjoyable to learn, and create a powerful group matrix when practiced in a mandala constellation.
~ Mantra Synchronized with Meditative Movement
A form of mandala movement meditation that realign and balance the energy field. They may be done sitting or standing, and are practiced to a mantra – generally in Gurmukhi or Sanskrit. The repeated symmetrical movement sequence becomes a focus that stills the mind, creating sacred geometry with harmonising wave-patterns within the aura. These meditations can be very profound, are enjoyable to learn, and create a powerful group matrix when practiced in a mandala constellation.